LWCCDC Community Outreach program works in partnership with grass-root people such as; organizations and churches in addressing the high demand for providing basic needs to community members of Pitt County. Basic needs services are critical to individuals and families in crisis needing temporary support. Weekly on Tuesday and Wednesdays between the hours of 2pm and 4pm foods are available for distribution. Over the past year alone we have served a total number of 500 individuals. In addition, we serve a full balanced nutritional meal to 45 children daily during the Spring, Summer and Fall semesters.
We have developed several key partnerships to assist us in providing basic needs. The Little Willie Center’s food coordinator travels to various sites for food pick-up. Then the food is brought back to the center for inventory processing. Upon completion the food is categorized by food group. Individuals come in on a first-come first-served basis and are allowed to select the most needed food for their home. Food items may include sandwiches, wraps, vegetables, fruits, meats, deserts breads and juices.
Thanksgiving is the largest outreach project of the year. It takes tons of volunteers and busloads of food to accomplish feeding over 500 individuals. For the past 23 years The Little Willie Center has given the community Thanksgiving. Most years we expect between 100 to 150 guests families. Every family gets a turkey or ham plus all the trimmings to make a great holiday meal. The Little Willie Center doesn’t just stop at distribution.
On the actual day of Thanksgiving over 400 citizens are served a hot holiday meal with plenty of desserts. These citizens maybe home bound, elderly, disabled and or homeless. These individuals are those who don’t have access to family gathers and or the ability to cook their own meal. In order to make this happen, we need a host of catering supplies and foods. No matter the shape of the economy there will always be a holiday of thanks and giving.
Some of our past supporters are East Carolina Pan Hellenic Council, St. Paul Episcopal Church, Heel Sew Quik, Sara Lee Bakery and Pepsi.
For the past 23 years, LWC CDC has provided a Christmas Dinner and Give-A-Way to the center’s youth and families and community members. These less fortunate community members may not have the clothing they need for the winter. We give an abundance of hats, coats, scarves, sweaters, shirts, pants, socks and shoes in additional to toy items.
During the Holiday it’s important to fellowship and show our love through gift giving. Every year our children are encouraged to make a wish list and we work hard to make their wish come true. In the past, the wish list items were educational material, games, electronics, beds, bicycles, clothing and money.
Because of the parents’ income status, the Holiday season, especially Christmas, can be a stressful time. As a human service agency we continue contribute to the reduction of family stress and depression they may face. This year’s goal is to go over and beyond, what we have normally given in the past, especially now that finances are so tight in their homes.
Our children have studied hard this year and they deserve to be rewarded for their academic success. In addition the Little Willie Center has an outstanding performance in meeting its academic goals.
In order to make this Christmas season successful our partners are but not limited to: Salvation Army, East Carolina University Sociology Department Angel Tree, Toys for Tots and Churches Outreach Network.